What The Funk? Magazine
FUR Interview // ‘The Fine Line of a Quiet Life’
“All the sentiments of falling into hardships and growing from it whilst musically maintaining the infectiously upbeat atmosphere FUR have always spoilt us with”…
CIEL // ‘Never Alone Again’
A glance at the most human moments we all go through, wrapped up neatly into one of the most enjoyable pieces of new music we’ve heard in a while…
This Is The Deep // ‘Eyes On You’
An album centrepiece that pulses, panics, and drives forward with a menacing purpose…
SPQR Interview // ‘Fault Lines’
Great art always grows out of the hardest times, and SPQR are a testament to this…
The Early Mornings // ‘Blank Sky’
The music, artwork and video all come together to create an aesthetic that balances a considered artistic image with an authentic representation of Northern grimness and understated humour…
Silvertwin // ‘Ploy’
Silvertwin are already proving that nostalgia is in and the present is so yesterday…